Tuesday, October 30, 2018

TNT Runners

Image result for tnt minecraft cute
Story Line:
After trying to find a perfect game to play with my friends. Thoughts of creating my own game started to rush through my head. Then I realized, what if I recreated a game.  From recreating a game like spleef, it became a game called TNT Runners. While running around, make sure you don't fall down. If you do, you will die.
Level Description:
The levels are cloned after all or almost all of the TNT is destroyed. Even block you step on the will get destroyed after. It is made to have people run over the blocks and survive at the end.
Winning / Losing Scenario:
The loser would be determined by who over falls down first. The rest of the players are the winners and have to use the ladder to get back up and wait until the loser resets the game.
Players need no resources what so ever. All they need to know is how to run!
Automation Ideas:
The game is automated via command blocks and NPCs. They make the game run smoothly and get the game to work properly. Image result for cool Minecraft tnt explosion gif

Monday, October 22, 2018

3d Minecraft Build in Mixed Reality

I have personally created a 3d version of a Minecraft Build. I thought it was very cool when you make one, so I will tell you how to make it. First, you have to make a structure. Second, you give yourself a structure block. Third, type in the cord nets of the structure block. Fourth, Click the export button. And Fifth, get onto the mixed reality app on the computer and put your exported structure on the app. And this, is your would be the final image from the Mixed Reality app.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Minecraft Hour of Code Review-10/16/18

Minecraft Hour of Code Review

I played the Hour of Code: Minecraft Edition! I really enjoyed how Hour of Code allows beginners to learn the basics of code. I really enjoyed how it incorporated Minecraft mechanics to let younger kids interested in learning code. I think it is fantastic for people who are new to code, and people who really enjoy Minecraft. I really enjoyed having a challenge for using minecraft with code.

For this code, when I hit run, the character, Steve, moved forward twice, turned right, and then destroyed the tree.
If you want to play this game yourself, here is the link:https://studio.code.org/s/mc/stage/1/puzzle/1