Saturday, September 8, 2018

How the Fire Crusaders became a team.

It was the middle of the night, and sounds were coming from everywhere. I woke up and noticed my family gone out of the village. The heat of the fire came to burn me.
I remember when my family was in the middle class. I got the luxurious I wanted. I was and always have been nice, kind, and caring, but now I can't. I have to face my fears and use the anger I am having from the loss of my family.
I was luckily able to find one of my friends, Brian, and we were able to escape the huge army which attacked us. We almost made it out, but I got shot by a fire arrow right in the heart. I was helpless. I had nothing to do about it. I almost died. I was seeing the light, but the sounds were coming from everywhere. I don't know how, yet I was still alive, but totally different. I gain powers from the fire arrow with the help of my new friend, Jordan. He healed me just in time and our group became close friends.
"We need something to call our selves?" Jordan said.
"How about the Fire Crusaders!" Brian replied.
That name stuck with us. We became the Fire Crusaders with the help of Jordan saving my life. With the help of Jordan, I was a puny boy, but now I am the mage of fire for our team.

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